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10 Year Anniversary


The French Tech Mission is responsible for supporting the structuring and growth of the French start-up ecosystem, in France and all around the world.

What is La French Tech's 10th Anniversary about?

Since 2013, French Tech Capitals and Communities have evolved alongside our growing ecosystem. Originally France-centric, the French Tech Mission now operates worldwide, offering a decade of support programmes for start-ups. In October 2023, our global community celebrated 10 incredible years of French Tech, igniting excitement among the youth and showcasing our global impact.

This anniversary marked an exciting moment for French Tech Capitals and Communities around the world, the heartbeat of our ecosystem. Together, they've tirelessly nurtured French start-ups, both at home and globally. It was a chance to celebrate their dynamism, achievements, and global recognition. It was a chance to thank all the dedicated individuals, both public and private, who breathe life into this thriving network. It was also an opportunity to acknowledge the progress to date and look ahead to the next 10 years.

La French Tech NZ actively participated!

Since the inception of La French Tech NZ group in 2016, we’ve built a community strong of 200+ members and 25+ registered start-ups nationwide. La French Tech NZ officially joined the global French Tech ecosystem in January 2023.

The French Tech NZ Awards Night was our flagship event on Thursday 2 November 2023, and was hosted at the GridAKL / John Lysaght. We also organised 3 additional community events to share our passion for tech locally and amplify our influence nationwide and beyond!

All about the festivities!

Our programme for the 10-year Anniversary of La French Tech was developed in partnership with the French organisations in our community.

Young Entrepreneurs Day
2023 French Tech NZ Awards
FNZCCI workshop event
Alliance Francaise AKL event

With La French Tech NZ, meet your peers, create opportunities, learn from the best, and celebrate French excellence!

Join the festivities!

The French Tech NZ provides its members with the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas once every two months in Auckland and several times a year in Wellington and Christchurch


Your gateway to industry-leading knowledge with expert insights on an industry or a trend - in a fireside chat format.

French Tech Connect

In a true French spirit, we gather around French delicacies to share experiences and tackle common issues.

Pitch Night

Opportunity for 10 entrepreneurs - from NZ and French Pacific Islands - to pitch their start-up and connect with investors.

French Tech NZ Awards

Celebrating New Zealand and France’s Leadership in Technology and Innovation, our community members

With La French Tech NZ, meet your peers, create opportunities, learn from the best, and celebrate French excellence!

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